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Bestand Public user manual OptimTex
Bestand Public user manual Skills4Smartex
Bestand Public user manual TexMatrix

This user manual is meant for completion of the Benchmarking questionnaire by textile enterprises and for accessing the e-learning courses.

Bestand Public user manual of the e-learning platform

This document describes how to use the e-learning platform.

Boek Guide for smart practices

Guide for smart practices in the textile sector.

Bestand Knowledge Matrix for Innovation

The Knowledge Matrix for Innovation quantifies the intangible assets of a textile enterprise. The accomplished KMI contains Elements, Criteria and Factors, with a total number of 52 Factors. Subsequently the related Benchmarking questionnaire is provided, containing Questions & possible Answers on each Factor.

Bestand Benchmarking Report on consortium level

The Benchmarking report on consortium level was performed by analysing the Benchmarking questionnaires from the 64 textile companies from the partner countries: Italy, Portugal, Romania and Slovenia. The Report includes charts and diagrams with the related comments and is meant to reflect the position regarding innovation of the questioned companies, in order to support and guide textile specialists on EU level.

Boek Guide for new business and research ideas

The project ideas reflect the capacity of the five partner organizations to promote research results for new project proposals, while including the contact data of the project’s responsible.

Boek Guide for intercultural partnership

In this Guide, we are presenting the Intercultural Partnership developed between the partners of the international ERASMUS+ project E-learning course for innovative textile fields (Advan2Tex). Between the five partner institutions, which come from four different European Union countries (Romania, Portugal, Czech Republic and Slovenia), one can recognize many differences, but also similarities.

Boek Guide for courses evaluation and upgrading

Although the project main actors, tutors and learners, have reached the envisaged work targets, and the global experience within this group has been positively evaluated, there is always a need of analysing and improving, if necessary. In this context, the Guide for courses evaluation and upgrading, synthesize the relevant aspects and conclusions drawn after each partner evaluation.

Boek Guide for Best Practices of the Courses

This Guide for best practices of the courses is one of the outputs of the ADVAN2TEX project. It has been prepared based on the interaction tutors-trainees, following the methodology of benchmarking.