3. Summary

Cooperation in different types of international projects presents the opportunity to develop versatile and rich partnerships. Although scientific and professional partnerships could normally be understood as the most important, also intercultural partnerships have a great potential. Intercultural partnership, developed within the course of the project between different partner organisations, can be seen as a catalyst for enhancing the level of knowledge related to staff, institutions, regions, countries and culture of project partners.

In this Guide, we are presenting the Intercultural Partnership developed between the partners of the international ERASMUS+ project E-learning course for innovative textile fields (Advan2Tex). Between the five partner institutions, which come from four different European Union countries (Romania, Portugal, Czech Republic and Slovenia), one can recognize many differences, but also similarities. The differences should be taken more as potential enrichment of the project consortium and not as an obstacle.

Moreover, the participation within the Advan2Tex project, funded by ERASMUS + program, has offered a good opportunity for exchange of best practices, for exchange of technic, scientific, didactic and cultural information to the members of the consortium. Thus, the project has built a bridge between the scientific communities of the four countries, fostering intercultural exchange.