7. 4. Other aspects of the Intercultural Partnership

7.3. Other aspects of Joint Staff Events

The complete views of the project partners regarding other aspects of Joint Staff Events can be found in the tables in Annex. Here we are presenting the most interesting ones:

-          During the different JSE it was important to exchange experiences about the development of the Advan2tex project in the different organizations and to have an idea of the research ideas proposed by the different partners, establishing potential future collaboration projects.

-          JSE is perfect opportunity for the staff who is not get used to going abroad to travel and practice English and other aspects of business trips. The JSE is only possibility for them to go for business trip. The second aspect is also sharing one whole week out of family and only with colleagues, sometimes in one hotel room. It is very important aspect, especially for adult people. These events are good form of a teambuilding.

-          The Joint Staff Events were very pleasant and a supportive environment for the exchange of ideas and experience, something that should be continued in the future.

-          The brokerage ideas during the JSE allowed participants to present a very diverse range of topics within the textile field and to discuss feasible opportunities for future projects.

-          For the young colleagues, authors of ideas at this events, enhancement of their presenting skills, can be considered a positive aspect for their future career, giving to this event a formative nature as well.

-          The complimentary profile of the partners within the consortium, derived from the mixture of the three Universities and two Research Institutes, generated a good balance of the research and educational project ideas.

-          These events can be good opportunities of consolidating the partner’s connection, and might result in new project proposals exactly due to this fact.

-          During the different JSE it was important to exchange experiences about the development of the Advan2tex project in the different organizations and to have an idea of the research ideas proposed by the different partners, establishing potential future collaboration projects.

-          Joint staff events (JSE) were special forms of the meetings including a larger number (4) of participants from all partner countries. This is a clear difference between the regular technical meetings and JSE.

-          The Agenda of the JSEs always included the tour to the laboratories and other premises of the hosting organization. Also, this was the chance to meet the staff (directors, heads of departments, professors, researchers, other members) of the hosting organization, which helped the participants to have a chance to connect directly with them in the future.

-          For most of the participants of JSEs the research equipment, devices and machinery, as well as technologies and processes of the hosting organizations were very interesting. Information gathered can be used when some particular or alternative equipment or methods will be needed.


Figure 9: Preparation of the Czech national team for presentation of project ideas


Figure 10: Part of the project consortium at the JSE in Portugal

Figure 11: Visiting one of the laboratories at the Department of Textile Materials and Design, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Maribor