6. Presentation of the 30 project ideas in template

6.3. Bioimplant used in gastroenterology



Title of the project


Bioimplant used in gastroenterology

Envisaged Program for funding / other sources for funding





Domain of interest

Medical Textiles



(up to 500 words)


Surgical meshes are currently used for the treatment of various types of hernias: primary abdominal wall hernias (inguinal hernia, femoral hernia, umbilical hernia),secondary hernias (post-incisional).p012.jpg

The project will develop  functionalized bioimplants for the treatment of hernias and eventrations in gastroenterology correlated to advanced surgical techniques that means : identification of eventration, selection of biomaterial. Mesh produced from polypropylene multifilament yarn has disadvantage : it does not provide structural support required to support abdominal muscles in case of hernias and eventrations ; it requires additional reinforcement. The project will provide meshes with high density and high porosity that will assure smooth healing of the wound. The raw materials (polyester, polypropylene etc.) ensure: high biocompatibility, low relapse rate of eventration with a structure that have no adverse reaction or rejection. The functionalization with natural polymers: chitosan, collagen, alginates by encapsulation and dedicated protocol for incorporation into the textile material are in view.

Biological determinations and biocompatibility tests: mutagenic potential assessment, sensitizing potential,  implant tests: biocompatibility: cytotoxicity, sensitization, acute systemic toxicity, genotoxicity, implantation, hemocompatibility, chronic and sub-chronic toxicity, carcinogenicity ;hematologic characteristics : hematocroi, hemoglobin, leucocite, lucocitare formula etc. will be provide.

Keywords (up to 5)

Eventration, mesh, functionalization, natural polymers


Envisaged partners sought


Research institutes, universities, private textile companies, hospitals

Contact data

(Name/Surname, Organization, email)

Visileanu Emilia

The  Research and Development Institute for Textiles and Leather
