6. Presentation of the 30 project ideas in template

6.6. Management information system for wastewater treatment plants- Infosyst



Title of the project

Management information system for wastewater treatment plants- Infosyst


Envisaged Program for funding / other sources for funding




Domain of interest

Wastewater treatment, online platform


(up to 500 words)

The project aims to develop a complex software tool and an online platform for wastewater quality monitoring applicable for wastewater treatment plants. The objective of the developed software is to improve the management and operation of WWTPs  used in the textile industry.

Environmental management is a necessity to ensure current and future sustainable development and is a challenge due to the complexity of EU environmental legislation.

Being a basic activity in integrated water management, quality monitoring has become at present an indispensable tool to space and temporal assessments regarding the evolution tendencies of concentrations and loads of pollutants, those related to compliance with the quality criteria and objectives, depreciation of accidental pollution at local and regional level.

The novelty of the project consists in developing a complex software application that can be used in WWTPs. The project has as main objective the development of a software for water/wastewater quality monitoring in order to assure an efficient management and to develop a complex system for environment indicators administration. In order to extend the application software we will develop an online platform addressed to the industrial companies with wastewater pre-treatment/treatment plants (WWTPs).

In principle both software are addressed to the companies from the textile industry, but they can also be used by the companies from other industrial areas which have WWTPs with similar configuration.

The main activities of the project are:

- quality evaluation of the wastewaters generated by companies from the textile industry;

- elaborations of technological solutions for decreasing treatment time, chemical and energy consumption in WWTPs;

- elaborations of technological solutions for increasing the efficiency of wastewater treatment depending on the problems occurred in WWTPs;

- technological solutions elaboration for water treatment suitable for technological processes in textile companies;

- programming languages analysis regarding actual dedicated wastewater applications;

- analysis and modelling of parameters that are related with treatment processes;

- development of a software program for complex monitoring of quality indicators for each treatment stage. The software program will have the possibility to provide solutions for increasing the efficiency of wastewater treatment based on quality indicators results from the respective WWTP; The software will provide proposals for upgrading the treatment process, depending on the configuration of the investigated WWTP;

- the development of an online platform (web software) that will provide upgrading proposals and treatment efficiency improvement for WWTPs on the basis of quality indicators from the treatment plants. The end users will also have the possibility to discuss with our specialists regarding their WWTPs. Our specialist will provide on-line consultancy. The on-line platform also addresses those companies which do not have a system for monitoring quality indicators.

- software applications testing and optimization; User guide elaboration;

- web software testing and optimization; User guide elaboration.

The members of the consortium propose the INFOSYS project because at the moment we do not know any software that offers solutions to improve the treatment process and any web platform where users receive advice from experts in the field. The environmental legislation specifies that every company that generates wastewater must have a WWTP. Each company has at least one environmental specialist/responsible but this person is not necessarily a wastewater treatment specialist. That is why very often companies turn to external experts regarding the design, construction and upgrading of WWTPs. These outsourced consultants can be successfully replaced by using software solutions proposed by INFOSYS. The INFOSYS software applications use  (by the beneficiaries) will lead to: Cost reduction by using the software applications instead of appealing to external consultancy services; Reduction of the time needed to obtain solutions to increase the efficiency of WWTPs; Assurance of the quality for discharged water through the implementation of the solutions offered by the INFOSYS program and platform.


Keywords (up to 5)

Wastewater treatment, online platform, quality insurance

Envisaged partners sought

R&D institutes, Universities, SMEs


Contact data

(Name/Surname, Organization, email)

Eng. Floarea Pricop, INCDTP – Bucharest, floarea.pricop@certex.ro

Dr. eng. Ioana Corina Moga, SC DFR Systems SRL, corinamoga@yahoo.com

Ec. Cosmina Prisecaru, INCDTP – Bucharest, cosmina.prisecaru@certex.ro

Eng. Ion Razvan Radulescu, INCDTP – Bucharest, razvan.radulescu@certex.ro