6. Presentation of the 30 project ideas in template

6.14. Increased user comfort for public seating – user´s interaction with textile materials



Title of the project

Increased user comfort for public seating – user´s interaction with textile materials

Envisaged Program for funding / other sources for funding

1-2 years

Domain of interest

TZU as coordinator



(up to 500 words)

The project idea is focuses on possibilities in increasing the user comfort of seating furniture in public waiting interiors. There are several aspects helping to achieve the best comfort of sitting, such as appropriate ergonomic design, shape, or material composition.

While every of the said aspects have a significant impact on the final comfort, it would be better, or even essential, to adopt a complex view of this issue. One of the complex ways to increase the user comfort is to observe the interaction of the human (the “user”) with the textile material. The one of claim will be found the best way to choose of ideal material for users in the public interiors.

The idea is focuses on tactile properties leading to contact comfort of the most used materials, and analyses the properties in relation to temperature, roughness, hardness and comfort. The four mentioned tactile properties are essential for our goal – an increase in user comfort.



  • Select basic  materials (coated textile, upholstery textile)
  • Selection of public interiors (hospital, shopping center, stations etc.)
  •  Evaluation of tactile properties (cold-warm, rough-smooth, comfortable-uncomfortable, hard-soft)
  • Seasons (spring, summer, autumn, winter)


The research results can be taken into account during designing and developing new seating furniture while focused on optimum user comfort.


Technical Specifications "TS" recommending selection of upholstery textiles for a particular public interiors.

Keywords (up to 5)

Textile, upholstery, interior, furniture, haptic comfort


Envisaged partners sought

University, research institutions, producers

Contact data

(Name/Surname, Organization, email)

Ing. Vítězslav Gaja

Textile testing insittute, gaja@tzu.cz