6. Presentation of the 30 project ideas in template

6.28. Training Key Competencies for International Qualifications in Testing and Quality Assessment of Technical and Non-Technical Textiles



Title of the project

Training Key Competencies for International Qualifications in Testing and Quality Assessment of Technical and Non-Technical Textiles


Envisaged Program for funding / other sources for funding

Erasmus +

KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices

Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training


Domain of interest


ü  Higher education, VET and Adult education

ü  Manufacturing companies of technical / non-technical textiles, within EU

ü  Organizations for the conformity assessment of textiles, within  EU


(up to 500 words)


Regarding the Training Key Skills for Testing and Quality Assessment of Technical and Non-Technical Textiles

  • The textile industry needs a comprehensive platform (at least, an international virtual network) with knowledge for testing methodology and quality control for both, non-technical and technical textiles.
  • The textile industry is a large and growing sector when it comes supporting other industries, for technical textiles manufacturing. Hence, the testing of technical textiles is a challenge, considering the fact that, the conventional test methods of textiles are not suitable ones. Therefore, new test methods and procedures have been and are developing for technical textiles, according to a particular end use.
  • Regarding the garment industry, in addition to quality is obvious other defining requirements: comfort, functionality and performance to wear, all validated by individual consumer perception. Therefore, in this case also, the test methods, procedures, and test equipment require versatility and innovative features.


Aims & Objectives

  • To adapt & update the education environment by including transnational learning, teaching and training activities related to the testing and quality assessment of technical and non-technical textiles topic, based on modern teaching methods and adapted to the mature people (graduates from higher education, VET and Adult education), as future employers / employees in the international textile companies.
  • To involve partners within the textile industry (technical and non-technical products' manufacturers) in improving the curriculum in textile faculties, in terms of teaching structure and training with practice (by means of internship in the laboratories from industry or/and from the organizations for the conformity assessment of textiles).
  • To strengthen relations between higher education institutions and the textile industry, through the everlasting feedback regarding the effectiveness of the education related to the testing and quality assessment of technical and non-technical textiles topic.


Main Topics &  Activities

  • Elaboration & development of an upgraded curriculum, with the new pathway, suitable to the real needs of the textile companies, in a global market, regarding the testing and quality assessment of technical and non-technical textiles topic.
  • Internship start up for students in the laboratories from industry or/and from the organizations for the conformity assessment of textiles, in order to develop their key skills, appropriate to the real needs of textile companies, in a global market.
  • Development of a comprehensive platform as international virtual network with knowledge for testing and quality control of non-technical and technical textiles. This platform would have to allow the permanent upgrading, according to the specific test methods development at the international level and should be adapted to the mature people (graduates from higher education, VET and Adult education) as employers and /or employees in the international textile companies.


Keywords (up to 5)

Technical textiles testing ; Non-technical textiles testing; Transnational education ; Conformity assessment of textiles;

Envisaged partners sought

  • Educational institutes (Higher education, VET and Adult education)
  • Manufacturing companies of technical and non-technical textiles
  • Organizations for the conformity assessment of textiles

Contact data

(Name/Surname, Organization, email)

Rodica HARPA

Associate Professor  Ph.D.Eng.

"Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of IASI, Romania

Faculty of Textiles Leather and Industrial Management Iasi

rodica_harpa@yahoo.com, rharpa@tex.tuiasi.ro