6. Presentation of the 30 project ideas in template

6.29. Researches regarding the development of composite materials with blended natural and technical yarns as reinforcement systems



Title of the project

Researches regarding the development of composite materials with blended natural and technical yarns as reinforcement systems - NATUCOMP


Envisaged Program for funding / other sources for funding


H2020, MSCA - ITN

Marie Slodowska Curie Action - Initial Training Network


Domain of interest

Composite materials



(up to 500 words)

Considering as starting point the results obtained within the PhD thesis entitled 'Researches regarding Composite Materials with Textile Reinforcement' elaborated by the project manager the research team plans activities continuing the researches mentioned above by developing textile reinforced composites that use as reinforcement system both natural and synthetic  yarns that are intended as replacements for metallic elements.


From the beginning of industrialization, metals, especially steel and cast iron represented the main raw materials used for industrial activities, including car manufacturing. Currently, the trend within the European Union is the reduction of the demand for materials from high material-consuming industries, as well as a cut-down in the volume of materials used. The recommendations made at EU level regarding the economic, social and environment policies adopted within the frame of Lisbon Strategy and revised in 2005 refer to: clean energy, sustainable transport, sustainable production and consume, public health, improved management of the natural resources, social inclusion, the fight against global poverty. The development of lighter weight, more resistant and more durable materials that use technical natural fibers is an answer to these problems.


The main solution is the use of composite materials with different types of reinforcing structures and matrices. Textile reinforced polymeric composite materials are used in engineering applications where the mechanical function plays a significant part and their mechanical behaviour is essential for the design of products, therefore mechanical properties becoming performance indexes.


In order to complete this research technical yarns (Kevlar, Twaron, Glass fiber, Carbon) and technical natural yarns (Linen, Hemp, Jute) will be used.

The synthetic fibres are the choice for any products used to improve the mechanical properties, but they are rather expensive. Currently, the trend is to use synthetic fibres in combination with other raw materials that are less costly. For this research Steel-Kevlar yarns were chosen for their multi-functionality (steel allows for conductivity/EM shielding). Linen and hemp are technical fibres that are cheap and presents acceptable tensile characteristics. 


The main objective of the project “Researches regarding the development of composite materials with blended natural and technical yarns as reinforcement systems – NATUCOMP” is to develop prototypes of polymeric composites with textile reinforcement with complex architecture, in order to decrease the inefficient use of energy in traditional materials development, the production cost of high level composite materials and to maintain the mechanical parameters at the same level.

Keywords (up to 5)

Composite materials, technical, natural fibers, synthetic fibers


Envisaged partners sought

University of Minho, Guimaraes, Portugal


Contact data

(Name/Surname, Organization, email)

Savin Dorin IONESI

“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University  of Iasi, Romania
