6. Presentation of the 30 project ideas in template

6.16. Seat test sweating manikin (Sweating buttocks)



Title of the project

Seat test sweating manikin (Sweating buttocks)

Envisaged Program for funding / other sources for funding

International Research program according present call for proposals; dual cooperation, CORNET

Domain of interest

Textile Testing Institute – as a partner



(up to 500 words)

The long-term sitting, often every day, sometimes even in 24-hour-long cycles (e.g. dispatching centres), causes negative health phenomena. These phenomena are involved particularly by accumulation of temperature and overheating following by accumulation of water vapour and sweat. Sitting in overheated seat areas with a higher level of humidity is unhealthy for many reasons, among others it is an ideal environment for bacteria and fungi, or, it reduces the potency of men, etc.

TZÚ comes with the idea to develop a methodology focused on determining and measuring of these phenomena with the aim to set the limits utilizable by the manufacturers of the chairs and seats, respectively.

Among main proposed parameters is the permeability to air, the thermal and water-vapour resistance and the temperature.


For the methodology, required parameters must be first obtained empirically. Tested persons will sit for defined period of time on a specially designed and construct chair with the temperature and the moisture sensors. The first area of sensors will be situated at the interface layer of the seat-surface and the body of sitting person and the second area will be at the upper layer of the seat.


-       Construction of the artificial seat test sweating manikin (“sweating buttocks”), the device enabling simulation of long-term sitting.

-       Setting of the limits of mentioned parameters for manufacturers of chair seats.

-       Methodology of testing

-       Technical specification

Our invention comes from the needs of manufacturers of chairs.

Keywords (up to 5)

Seat thermal comfort, seat moisture comfort , seat heating tests, seat manikin


Envisaged partners sought

Mechanical Engineering, Textile producers, Furniture manufacturers

Contact data

(Name/Surname, Organization, email)

Anna /Uhrová

TZÚ Brno

uhrova@tzu.cz, dufkova@tzu.cz